Maintaining a happy relationship is always a big deal in our life. While some will suggest to…
1. More praise, less complaints
Criticism and accusation are factors that destroy the relationship between couple. Praise will make the joy elevated. If the other person has done something wrong or there is something you don’t like, it’s better to discuss it in a problem-solving way than to complain. After all, we come from different family backgrounds and there are definitely differences in the way we handle things. If you are angry at certain moment, try to walk away for a while, cold down first and bringing it up for discussion later.

2. Communicate about values
Values are attitudes and judgments about how things should be handled. Different values produce different patterns of behavior. It is important for couple to have similar values in order for the relationship to last. The way to communicate values is simple, use simulated scenarios as a topic of discussion. Remember not to argue and keep a forgiving mindset.

3. Output of emotional values
High EQ makes others more willing to open up with you because they feel at ease. To communicate emotional value in an intimate relationship, you can express more care and concern. For example, you can say that you are having a hard time after work. At the same time, you can give more affirmation and encouragement.

A relationship that will stand the test of time requires communication, mutual understanding and a common goal for the future, which is not easy to handle. But it is worth to have someone accompany thru those up & down in life.