
From August 31st, the Shopee Feed feature will be disabled.


The Shopee Feed feature will be discountinued from August 31st!

Shopee has announced that Shopee Live will take the place of the Shopee Feed function. The new policy will be in place as of August 31, 2022.

Updates can be posted by Shopee buyers and sellers using the Shopee Feed function. Customers can share their online shopping trends and experiences on Shopee Feed, and merchants can use it to notify followers when promotional deals are launched.

Shopee Live will take the place of Shopee Feed due to the growing popularity of live streaming. After August 31, 2022, users won’t be able to access or use the Shopee Feed. Shopee Live will take the place of the Shopee Feed section in order to make it easier for users to watch Shopee Live.

Through the Seller Centre, Shopee sellers can download previously published posts.

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