
Check which mobile phone that your Maybank account is bound to.


Verify the mobile devices which your Maybank account is connected.

Check which mobile devices your Maybank account is linked to, dear Maybank APP customers.

Recent news reports concerning bank deposits being stolen in our country have caused panic and worry among the populace. It is advised that you verify which mobile phones your bank accounts are linked to if you have a habit of utilising a mobile APP to log in to your bank account.

Your deposits are vulnerable to theft if you learn that your bank account is linked to an unknown phone. You can also decide to unbind your bank account if it is still connected to your old phone.

Through the Maybank APP, users of Maybank can see which mobile devices are associated with their accounts. Users can use the Maybank APP, log in, and then select ME from the choices menu. Then, in My Devices, you can see which phones are associated with your account.

Verify the mobile devices which your Maybank account is connected.

Step 1: Open and log in Maybank APP.

Step 2: Click on the three lines option feature in the upper left corner.

Step 3: Click ME.

Step 4: Select My Devices.

Step 5: The system will display the mobile phone bound to your account.

Step 6: You can click Delete if you notice a suspicious device.

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