
EPF members are encouraged to check their account status on i-Akaun constantly.


EPF members are encouraged to check their account status on i-Akaun constantly.

EPF members are encouraged to review their account status on i-Akaun on a regular basis.

Members can check their EPF accounts through the i-Akaun online system to see if their employers have made regular EPF payments and to confirm that the information in the accounts is up-to-date, according to KWSP information.

Each worker contributes 9 percent or 11 percent of their monthly wage to the EPF, with the employer contributing an additional 12 percent or 13 percent.

This means that workers will have 21% or 24% of their monthly salary in their EPF accounts, and members should check their EPF accounts periodically for data.

If a member discovers that the account’s address does not belong to them, they should contact KWSP to update the information. If you discover that your account’s contact number is incorrect, you must also contact KWSP to change the information.

The KWSP launched I-Akaun, an online portal that allows members to verify the status of their EPF accounts. Members can also request a withdrawal through i-AKaun.

Members can apply to withdraw a portion of their money if they meet certain criteria, such as reaching the age of 50, using the money to pay for personal or children’s education expenses, buying a house, building a house, paying off a mortgage, pilgrimage, medical expenses, or depositing more than 100 million ringgit.

Members can request full withdrawal in six circumstances: 55 years old, 60 years old, civil servants who choose pension, disability, travelling overseas, and death.

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