
YouTuber told his son to pretend to cry but forgot to cut it out. 500,000 subscription all GG!


Jordan Cheyenne, an American YouTuber with 500,000 subscribers, posted a video on YouTube titled “We are heartbroken”, saying that the dog infected virus.
However, it seems that the video was not edited properly, as the YouTuber turns to her 9-year-old son and asks him to pretend to cry, instructing him to lean on her shoulder and then to act like he is crying.

As soon as the video was uploaded, it was immediately denounced by netizens and the YouTuber’s YouTube has been suspended.

Jordan Cheyenne, a 30-year-old content creator who lives in California and describes herself as a “beauty and lifestyle” content creator, often shares her daily life with her 9-year-old son on her YouTube channel. She was recently forced to delete her YouTube channel after a revealing video was posted, and her 500,000 subscribers were instantly lost.
When Jordan Cheyenne instructed her son on how to cry, he can’t bear to shout, “I’m really crying, I’m sad”. The YouTuber was so focused on how her video would attract more views that she ignored whether her son was really upset, and hugged him and continued her fake crying behaviour.

In the video, she also tells her son to look at the camera and where to put his hands, not to block his mouth, etc. The clip was planned to be cut, but she forgot and uploaded it, and although she deleted it immediately, it was backed up and uploaded to Twitter, where people called her a terrible mother. She later explained that her initial action was to take a few shots of the video’s Thumbnail cover, but she was also disgusted with her actions, apologized and said she would turn off all her channels to focus on her son’s health and well-being.

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