
WeChat New Year wishes keywords in 2022, enter these keywords screen will rain emoji!


WeChat New Year wishes keywords in 2022, enter these keywords screen will rain emoji


The New Year is here! People are used to using mobile communication software to send New Year’s wishes, and with the current epidemic this year, it’s become a trend to send New Year’s greetings and blessings online. WeChat has launched a special effect for New Year’s greetings.


When users type in specific words, special effects will appear. For example, users can type in “虎年大吉”、“虎虎生威”、“如虎添翼”、“新年快乐”、“新春快乐”、“恭喜发财”、“财源滚滚”、“七喜” and so on.


Inputting the key words will bring down very cute patterns from the sky, such as cute tiger, gold coin, lucky bag, etc.


When you see the lucky bag appear on the screen, remember to click on it to get it. Try it out! But please note that you must use the latest version of WeChat!


Wish you all a prosperous new year!

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