
We can now use e-wallets to pay for government services.


According to the announcement issued by Ministry of Finance in January, people can use e-wallets to pay for services at government counters or government websites.

Several government departments have already supported the use of bank cards to pay fees since last year, and now allows people to use e-wallets to pay fees. People do not need to worry about e-wallet fees, because our government will cover the transaction fees levied by e-wallet.

However, it is important to note that if people use e-wallets to make loan repayments, then they will be responsible for the e-wallet transaction fees. The authorities have set rules that e-wallet providers cannot charge transaction fees of up to 0.5%.

At present, federal government departments are gradually promoting e-wallet payment service, as for the state government departments under the jurisdiction of the state government will depend on the arrangements of individual state governments.

In the future, you do not need to carry cash when you go to the government departments, you can pay directly through the e-wallet.

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