
Top 10 listed companies in Malaysia by market capitalisation (May


As of early May, Maybank was the top listed company in Malaysia with a market capitalisation of RM107.730 billion.

The second highest listed company in terms of market capitalisation was Public Bank. As at the beginning of May, Public Bank’s market capitalisation was RM89.095 billion, a decrease from the market capitalisation at the end of March. The third largest listed company in terms of market capitalisation was PCHEM with a market capitalisation of RM81.6 billion, up from RM76.8 billion at the end of March.

IHH Pharmaceuticals and CIMB were the fourth and fifth largest listed companies with market capitalisation of RM56.865 billion and RM53.628 billion respectively. TENAGA and Hong Leong Bank ranked sixth and seventh with market capitalisation of RM50.905 billion and RM44.872 billion respectively.

The eighth to tenth largest listed companies in terms of market capitalisation were PMETAL, SIMEPLT and MISC with market capitalisation of RM44.329 billion, RM35.201 billion and RM34.684 billion respectively.

Among the 10 listed companies with the highest market capitalisation in Malaysia, 4 of them are banks.

1. Maybank (RM107.730 billion)

2. Public Bank (RM89.095 billion)

3. Petronas Chemicals (RM81.6 billion)

4. IHH (RM56.865 billion)

5. CIMB (RM53.628 billion)

6. Tenaga Nasional (RM50.905 billion)

7. Hong Leong Bank (RM44.872 billion)

8. Press Metal Aluminum (RM44,329 million)

9. Sime Plantation (RM35,201 million)

10. MISC (RM34,684 million)

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