
Do you often have the habit of procrastinating? Is it hard to concentrate on one thing? Write down the goals you need to accomplish before going to bed to improve work efficiency!


Believe that many people are often unable to complete their work because of procrastinate? Often affected by some disruption to your productivity? If you want to make your life more fulfilling and live efficiently every day, then you must cultivate self-discipline. A self-disciplined life can help you achieve your goals, whether it is study or work, with less effort.

▼ Clear Goal

Before you start any work or study, set yourself a goal, whether it is a long-term goal or a short-term goal, and plan what you want to accomplish first, which can make you more aware of what you need to accomplish. When you have a direction for what you want to accomplish, then you will be more motivated to accomplish it and avoid procrastination. Set aside some time for yourself before going to bed every day to think about what you need to accomplish.

▼ Timetable

Every day before going to bed, you can write down the things to be completed the next day, and then allocate time to different tasks, and plan how much time these things will take to complete. If you want to improve your learning or work efficiency, you can make a timetable and write down what needs to be done in each time period. Whenever a goal is completed, you can tick a box. Whenever you are tired, you can take a break for 5-10 minutes, which can improve your study or work efficiency.

▼ Avoid Playing With Phones All The Time

I’m sure many people procrastinate and have a hard time focusing with the task at hand, playing with their phones, swiping Facebook, or responding to messages. It’s hard to focus on accomplishing something when we can’t resist the temptations around us. If you want to improve your concentration, you can mute your phone and turn off all notifications so that you don’t have to look at your phone all the time. Instead of spending time on phones, Instead of spending time on mobile phones, we should focus on completing tasks. When we complete one thing, we can reward ourselves for playing phones for a while.

▼ ONE Hour of Study Per Day

Office workers must make good use of their time after work. Don’t spend this time on dramas or playing games. Spend time on valuable things, such as learning new skills, developing a long-term hobby, reading your favorite books, and improve your knowledge. Just for an hour a day, read a few pages, memorize some English words, read some intellectual articles, and write down what you’ve learned in a notebook to build your knowledge.

▼ Find Learning Objects

To make yourself better, be sure to find a friend around you who is a better student than you are. Finding the right people to learn from can help you grow quickly, and you can encourage each other to progress together when things get tough. If you don’t have good friends around you, you can watch more online videos and learn more through the videos. For example, if you want to learn a language, you can watch more online teaching videos.

▼ Listen to Some Speeches or Music

When you’re feeling down or don’t feel like you can keep going, you can listen to some of your favorite speeches, such as TED talks, to give out some positive energy. When we listen to other people’s experiences or stories, we can be inspired by them. If you’re feeling stressed, listen to more pure music or your favorite songs to relax your body and mind.

These are 6 tips on how to use your alone time to counterattack. Write down what you want to accomplish the next day before going to bed. Try to put your phone aside when you study or work to avoid interference when you are focusing. If you feel stressed or in a bad mood, you can listen to music or watch some lecture videos.

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