
Those who like to shop online should remember the 3 dates of the month!


Those who like to shop online must know the 3 dates of the month! Both Shopee and Lazada offer special promotional offers on these 3 dates, such as free shipping coupons, cashback, discount coupons, etc.

1. Monthly overlapping days
E-commerce platforms will offer promotions on the overlapping days of each month, such as November 11, October 10, September 9, August 8, July 7, June 6, May 5, April 4, March 3, and February 2. You can choose to shop online on the overlapping days of the month!

2. The 18th day of every month
E-commerce platforms will launch Global Shopping Day on the 18th of every month, when you can buy foreign goods at discounted prices. Of course, domestic products will also be discounted on this day.

3. 25th of every month
E-commerce platforms will offer PayDay deals on the 25th of every month, when various brands offer discounts. E-commerce platforms will also offer free shipping and cashback offers.

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