
This year’s zodiac signs Fan Hu Ye are Tiger, Dragon, Horse, and Dog


This year’s zodiac signs Fan Hu Ye are tiger, dragon, horse, and dog.

According to Chinese folklore, the white tiger is the god of speech and right and wrong. Every year on the day of Jingzhe, it comes out to forage and eats people. The development of the future has caused all kinds of unhappiness.

Jingzhe in 2022 falls on March 5th at 10:44 pm. According to the projections of the fleeting zodiac, those whose zodiac signs are tiger, dragon, horse, and dog in 2022 will “commit a white tiger (Fan Hu Ye)”, which means that the fortune in the new year will have fluctuated, and it is easy to provoke right and wrong with villains, official lawsuits, accidents, and illnesses, etc.

It is understood that the zodiac sign that commits a tiger lord needs to sacrifice the white tiger to drive away bad luck, turn bad luck into good luck, and often meet noble people when going out in the future. The so-called sacrifice to the white tiger refers to the white tiger drawn on paper for worship. The paper tiger is generally yellow with black stripes and a pair of fangs on the corners of the mouth. When worshipping, it is necessary to feed it with fat pig blood, so that it will not hurt others when it is full, and then smear the mouth of the paper tiger with raw pork, so that it is full of oil and water so that it cannot open its mouth to say right or wrong.

Since the Jingzhe in 2022 will fall at 10:44 pm on March 5th, everyone can choose to arrange a time to worship Tiger Lord in the temple from March 5th to 6th. Worshiping the Tiger Lord is to improve luck, especially for those whose zodiac sign violates the white tiger. If things go wrong at home, you can also come to pay homage to Lord Tiger.

In any case, this is purely a folk belief, and everyone should not be too superstitious.

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