There are many different sorts of coffee, and psychologists have studied ten different types based on popular preferences. Black coffee, blended coffee, instant coffee, syphon coffee, espresso, latte, cappuccino, electric coffee pot coffee, self-ground coffee beans, and decaffeinated coffee are among the ten types of coffee.
#1 Black Coffee
People who like to drink black coffee purely like the simple taste, especially that bitter but endless aftertaste. In terms of personality, you are a decisive person.
#2 Blended coffees
If you like to mix different varieties of coffee beans together to make blends, then you are someone who likes to try new things and has a rich imagination. In addition, you love to make friends and have a somewhat childlike nature.

#3 Instant coffee
Usually, people who choose to drink 3-in-1 instant coffee just to refresh themselves, not to taste the aroma of coffee. Therefore, the attitude of such people is as practical as their choice of coffee. No matter what they are dealing with, they want results as soon as possible, but they don’t care whether the results are good or bad.
#4 Syphon Coffee
People who like to drink syphon coffee have a way of doing things and are very persistent. The process of doing things is very important, and once the process is a little flawed, even if they succeed they still feel that it is not perfect.
#5 Espresso
People who like espresso expect to hit the ground running in whatever they do. Compared to others, their sensory needs will be higher. They want the strongest coffee, the strongest wine, and the spiciest dish, making it seem like a person who likes very exciting things. In addition, these people can explode powerfully from the least amount of resources, so their pace is always faster than others and their lives are more intense than others. They think life is like the taste of espresso, strong and bitter.

#6 Latte
Latte is a coffee with milk and sugar, people who like to drink latte are mostly gentle and easy-going. Those who like to appreciate the art of latte are mostly romantics and pay close attention to beauty and atmosphere. In addition, they are also very willing to spend time helping others, but neglect to take care of themselves.
#7 Cappuccino
Compared to a latte, which will have a greater percentage of milk, a cappuccino’s will have a greater percentage of coffee. When brewing a cappuccino, the rich coffee is combined with creamy milk froth and then sprinkled with cinnamon, so it has multiple layers. Most people who like to drink cappuccino are concerned about their taste in life, and they also want to live a colorful life and look back slowly when they are old.
#8 Electric Coffee Pot Coffee
This type of coffee can be seen in the general office, in order to allow office workers to drink at any time can also be shared with colleagues. People who like to use electric coffee pots to make large pots of coffee are people who don’t mind sharing good things with others, and will help when others need help and won’t see it through.

#9 Self-ground coffee beans
People who like to grind their own coffee beans to make coffee generally have an independent personality. In life, they like to do things on their own, such as painting the house, organizing the garden, and repairing electrical appliances. They enjoy the whole process and feel proud of the results.
#10 Decaffeinated coffee
Most people who enjoy decaf coffee are very conscious of their health. Although they like the taste of coffee, they don’t want to put their health at risk by drinking it, so they choose decaf coffee, which has a coffee taste but no essence. People who make this choice also do things in a risk-averse style, not wanting bad things to happen in their lives, and can be described as detail perfectionists.