A woman in Singapore found out that a man she had known for a long time had drugged her drink and planned to rape her after she fell asleep, more than once!
Since 2015, when the man brought his girlfriend to Malaysia to attend the same institution, the woman and the male flatmate had become friends.
The female and the male roommate went back to Singapore in May 2019 and started working at the same hotel’s front counter. They resided in various areas while sharing a unit.
The man’s relationship, who also works in Singapore, frequently spent the night at his home and occasionally joined him for meals.
The man would regularly bring the victim woman a glass of water at night because the doctor had advised her to consume more water, and he was also aware of this. The perpetrator unexpectedly spent RM200 to purchase “Roddy Rape” online, and in January 2019 or 2020, he put the drug into the victim’s water, easing her to fall asleep.
The guy once more poured water for the victim that evening, March 29, 2020. In order to make her male roommate believe she was drinking the water, the woman poured it out the window and set the empty tumbler down on the table. It turned out that the man entered the victim’s room undetected at night and headed to shine a light on her face. The woman continued in maintaining her current state of sleepiness. She stood up and seized her male roommate’s arm when he attempted to rape her while climbing onto the bed. Additionally, the guy claimed that he was helping her in covering the quilt before hurriedly escaping the room.
He finally chose to call the police for his own protection, and the man was taken into custody that afternoon.
In the end, the guy entered a guilty plea and the judge gave him a 17-year prison term and 14 lashes. The individual may also be charged with four additional offenses.