
The government has launched too many subsidies and they make you dazzled? Let’s learn about BPR, BKC and BKM subsidies


The government has launched many different assistance programs, such as BPR, BKC and BKM. Too many assistant programs make you dazzled? Here is an explanation of the difference between these three types of aid.

1. Bantuan Prihatin Rakyat (BPR)

Bantuan Prihatin Rakyat 2021 targets the B40 group with an income bracket of RM 5,000 and below. It is eligible applicants can apply during the initiative period via online or by visiting an LHDNM branch. The BPR aid for 2021 has been issued.


Check website: https://bpr.hasil.gov.my/

2. Bantuan Khas Covid-19 (BKC)
COVID-19 Special Assistance (BKC) is a direct cash assistance to alleviate the cost of living and the burden of the people due to the COVID-19 pandemic until the end of 2021


Check website: https://bkc.hasil.gov.my/

3. Bantuan Keluarga Malaysia (BKM)
The Malaysian Family Assistance Fund (BKM) will be open for applications from January 1 to January 31, 2022. The BKM aid will be issued in 4 stages, and the first stage will be issued in March.


Check the website: http://bkm.hasil.gov.my/ (not yet open)

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