
The camping trend has attracted attention in recent years Camping lovers: need to do more research


In recent years, people have been interested in the trend of camping. In this way, Wong Chen Li, who writes the parent-child fun blog and loves camping, said camping is a good activity, but there is yet to be a guide, so campers need to do their research and homework.

Wong Chen Li said today in an interview with the Oriental Daily News and the state-run radio station Ai FM that the camping trend started to take off in 2018. She also talked about safety rules for campgrounds.

“Some landowners started to see a business opportunity and to develop their land or let others develop it into campsites for campers only, which also turned into a new business.”

“Because people couldn’t go outside because of the epidemic, but parents wanted to take their kids outside, camping became very popular.”

Wong Chen Li said camping had been a popular thing for a long time.
“Young people punching the clock or following the trend are blowing up the camping trend.”

“Of course, people from all walks of life also enjoy camping. After all, being outside is relaxing and can help you feel better.”
When asked what campgrounds should be changed or worried about, she said that campers need to be more self-aware and do more research.

Most campers started as I did, without a Scouting background or basic camping knowledge. We researched online, buying tents, equipment, choosing campsites, etc., to see what other people said and slowly gain experience.”

“Even though campers do risk assessments of campsites, they are speedy and are judged by themselves. For example, campsites won’t be set up on slopes that aren’t even, in areas where trees have just been cut down (plant cover), or where flooding is common.”

“After all, a place is prettier and more appealing the more dangerous it is. Since there isn’t a single rule for campgrounds yet, you have to decide whether you’re safe when you get to a certain point.”

When asked if the risk of camping is something you have to take on yourself, she said she thought it was.

“The best thing about camping in our country is that there are no rules to follow. You can come and go as you please.”

“Both campers and park owners who build campsites need to learn the basics about it. They clear their woods and dig pools to make campsites, so it’s easy to overlook some possible risks.”

She said that after the avalanche, people started to pay attention to some information about camping.

“It turns out that camping requires more than just paying attention to weather forecasts and keeping up with professional information from geologists to figure out the risk of the campsite. This may increase the cost, but at least it’s safer.”

“The drainage system can also cause the hillside to be structurally unstable, but the average person can’t tell by looking, so if the operator has a license, it will be safer.”

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