Step 1: Enter the IP address of your router such as in Google Chrome and log in to the router (WiFi Router) interface.
*Different routers have different IP Addresses

Step 2: Check the Username and Password on the WiFi Router (if you can’t find it, try Username : admin/ Password : admin) and enter it into the above website.

Step 3: After successful login, the following page will appear. Select Wireless Clients to see who is connected to your Wifi.

Step 4: Click on Advanced and select Parental Control.
Step 5: Turn on Enable in Parental Control, click Add New, select the Mac Address of Children’s Pc that you want to block off, make sure Effective Time is “Anytime”, and turn on Disabled in Status. Status turns on Disabled.

Then the user won’t be able to connect to your WiFi – it’s that simple!