2022 is the year of the tiger, the first day of the New Year falls on February 1 (Tuesday).
Taboo one: breakfast can not eat porridge
Because the ancients believe that only the poor eat porridge, if you eat porridge will be poor for a whole year; on the contrary, eat rice on behalf of a whole year will be very rich!

Taboo two: not to shout someone’s name to wake up
Remember not to shout each other’s names to wake up on the first day of the year, because this means that the other party will be rushed to do things for a whole year.
Taboo three: wish only after someone wakeup
Remember to wait for the other person to get up before wishing her/him happy chinese new year, otherwise there is a saying that the other person will be lying in a hospital bed for a whole year.
Taboo four: can not cook new rice
The ancients believe that the first day of the New Year to eat the leftovers of New Year’s Eve, representing last year’s things to eat, to this year are still left.
Taboo five: you can not take a bath in the morning, wash your hair, wash clothes
Because this will not wash away the wealth and fortune, another way of saying because the birthday of the water god in the first and second day, so these two days to wash clothes will offend the water god.
Taboo six: married daughter can not return to her mother’s house
Because the first day back to the bride’s family, on behalf of the family will eat more and more poor
Taboo seven: can not take the broom
The custom of the first day of the year is the birthday of the broom, if you take the broom will attract bad luck, if you have to sweep the floor, you have to sweep from the outside to the inside.

Taboo eight: can not take a nap or sleep
If you take a nap on the first day will not only affect the career luck, but also lazy a whole year.
Taboo nine: can not take medicine
There is a saying is the first day of medicine will eat a whole year, and sickness is not cured, so unless seriously ill, try not to take medicine.
Taboo ten: can not let others take things out from your pockets
Try to avoid letting others directly reach into your pockets to take things, because this means that your money for the next whole year will be taken by others!