
Selangor Online Booking for Sinovac Booster Vaccination


If you want to get Sinovac vaccination, you can make an appointment through Selangkah App to avoid the queue.

According to Selcare Selangor, those who are 18 years old or above and have completed 2 doses of Sinovac vaccination in Selangor can book their Sinovac booster online. In order to reduce the queues and to ensure sufficient supply of Sinovac vaccine at all clinics, people are urged to book their appointments online first.

You can open the SELangkah APP, select the clinic you want to receive the vaccine and enter the coupon code to complete your appointment. A total of 13 Selcare clinics are available for the Sinovac vaccine booster, open from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

To make an appointment for a booster vaccination via SELangkah APP
Step 1: Open the SELangkah APP.
Step 2: Click the Selvax button.
Step 3: Select Self Booking.
Step 4: Select Booster Dose.
Step 5: Enter your personal information.
Step 6: Confirm the OTP one-time verification code.
Step 7: Select the region and date you want to receive the booster shot.
Step 8: Enter the coupon code and you are done.
Step 9: Present your SELangkah appointment when you go for the vaccination.

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