
Ministry of Health predicts Omicron will lead to a surge in domestic cases in February-March


The Ministry of Health predicts that there will be a surge in confirmed cases of Covid-19 between February and March!

According to Health Minister, due to the strong contagiousness of Omicron, the number of confirmed cases of Covid-19 in the country will surge from February to March. The public is urged to take protective measures and actively participate in booster vaccinations.

It is understood that more than 90% of the recent overseas imported cases are Omicron cases. Health Minister pointed out that most of the current local cases are Delta cases, and Omicron will gradually surpass Delta cases.

The forecast model made by the Ministry of Health estimates that Omicron cases in our country will also climb during February and March, given that Omicron has spread widely around the world.

Fortunately, the symptoms of Omicron’s confirmed patients are not as severe or as severe as Delta’s, so I believe it will not bring too much burden to the medical system.

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