According to a release from the Employees Provident Fund Board (KWSP), members who have joined the Provident Fund Special Withdrawal Scheme (Pengeluaran Khas) can check their application results from April 9 onwards. Members will be able to receive the withdrawal funds they have applied for from 20 April onwards.
As the EPF Special Withdrawal Scheme is conducted online, members can check their application results directly at .Members do not need to browse their i-Akaun, go through the KWSP Kiosk or visit a EPF Board branch to check the results of their applications.
Since the EPF Board opened its doors for members to apply for withdrawals of up to RM10,000 on 1st April, there has been a huge influx of people at EPF Board branches across the country. People are urged not to visit EPF Board branches unless it is necessary.