
Malaysian housewife paid monthly salary with full employee benefits for homemaking


Recently, a housewife claimed on social media that her husband pays her to work as a “manager” at home and that he also provides benefits like social security, provident fund, and income tax!

The housewife reportedly made a recent post on the social media network. After ten years of marriage, she disclosed that her spouse pays her salary as a token of appreciation for her giving up her career to spend more time with her family.

  | “A real man is happy to work and spend money for his family. If he cares about everything, he may be lacking in testosterone.”

The woman disclosed that her father made only RM1,800 before retiring, and that they are from a B40 family. Although her mother is illiterate, she does set a good example for women in terms of money management.

|“Even if you have millions, if you don’t know how to manage money, it will be in vain.” 

This post aroused heated discussions among many Malaysian netizens. Everyone praised this housewife as being very happy and her husband is very responsible.

  |“As a housewife, my wife must know how to be diligent and thrifty in running the house, know how to cook, and be able to do housework.”

Ovcrall, the recognition and remuneration of a Malaysian housewife’s vital role in managing the household is a positive and progressive step. By receiving a monthly salary and full employee benefits for her homemaking work, society acknowledges the immense value of her contributions. This arrangement not only empowers housewives but also strengthens the family unit, fostering equality and financial stability. It’s a reminder that work done within the home is equally valuable and deserving of compensation and benefits. As this concept gains traction, it sets the stage for a more inclusive and equitable future, where every role in society is acknowledged and appreciated.

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