
How to renew your car insurance and road tax at the lowest price!


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Every year when it comes to paying car insurance and road tax, car owners always have a headache, because car insurance and road tax add up to a lot of money. Here is a simple guide on how to renew your insurance and road tax at a reasonable price.


In the past, many people renewed their car insurance through an insurance agent (Agent). The advantage of going through an agent is that it is convenient, you just pay them a specific amount and they will take care of everything for you.


But did you know that there is a commission of about 10% for renewing your car insurance through an insurance agent? If your car insurance premium is RM2000, then RM200 will be the insurance broker’s commission and your actual premium will only be about RM1800.


If you want to save this 10% commission, then you can renew your car insurance directly with your insurance company. The insurance companies in the country will have branches in each state and when you go directly to the branch to renew your car insurance, you will save 10% commission. However, it is important to note that you must go to Branches, not Agents.


Insurance companies also offer an online renewal service. All you have to do is visit the insurance company’s website and follow the instructions to complete the renewal process. You can choose to pay via credit card, debit card or internet bank transfer.


As for the road tax, you will not be charged a commission when you go to the JPJ to renew your road tax. When you go to the Post Office (Pos Malaysia), you will be charged a commission. A specific amount of commission will also be taken when you renew your road tax through other agents.

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