
How to read the water consumption of a water meter?


Is your water bill suddenly skyrocketing? You can check the water meter readings yourself so that you can know if the meter reader is sending out random water bills.


Generally, water meters used in Malaysia have a total of 8 readings, the first 4 readings are in black with a white background and the last 4 readings are in white with a red background. The water bill in Malaysia is calculated in square meters (m³) and the last 4 readings are the decimal points of water consumption.


Here is the water meter reading 07481910 as an example, the water consumption for this reading is 748.1910m³. The meter reader will only read 748m³ and ignore 0.1910m³ when reading the water consumption.


The current month’s meter reading will be subtracted from the previous month’s meter reading in the water bill, so that the customer’s water usage for the latest month is known.


The charge per square meter (m³) varies from state to state, so you can simply multiply the amount of water used by the charge per square meter to find out your water bill for the month.

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