Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri announced that the government has agreed to provide flood victims with shopping vouchers which they can use to purchase electrical appliances. This measure is to ease the burden of the flood victims.
Eligible victims will be given shopping vouchers worth RM500. The flood victims must go to e-commerce platforms, supermarkets and stores certified by the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources to purchase electrical appliances and the appliances purchased must be those on the list.

In addition, the government will also issue RM1,000 gift vouchers to owners whose cars are totaled. Owners can use the RM1,000 gift vouchers to repair or replace their cars. Various car manufacturers in the country have also agreed to provide various assistance to the victims.
A. Perodua: Car owners in Perodua can get free towing service and 50% discount on labor and parts for the first apartment.
B. Proton: Proton owners receive a 50% discount on auto parts and a towing and car wash service.
C. Other:Owners receive free towing services, a 25 percent discount on repairs and auto parts, and installment repairs.
The government previously announced that a RM1,000 assistance will be given to families affected by the floods. The assistance will be given in the simplest way possible, i.e. face to face or directly through bank transfer.