
Google search is more user-friendly! Searching for life-threatening words will automatically bring up Lifeline!


In this era of the Internet information explosion, when it comes to the synonym “search,” I believe the first thing that comes to mind is the word “Google,” and if there is anything that is out of scope, you will find the answer through Google. In view of the public’s reliance on Google, Google also intends to strengthen AI technology to strengthen and improve the security of search. If you want to search for content, think more than one step to prevent bad things from happening.

When people are in various emotional crises, they will turn to the Internet to find the answers they want. Google is currently able to filter out harmful content through its artificial intelligence system in order to avoid and reduce the sudden influx of bad emotions and bad thoughts in the minds of the public. For example, when users search for life-threatening keywords on Google, they will be the first to pop up with the 1995 Lifeline Talk line, which helps users to have a channel and assistance unit to express their emotions at the worst time.

But AI is ultimately a machine system, and it can’t always identify the user’s emotions and moods accurately. Therefore, machine learning will now be activated to understand language, through the latest AI model, MUM, which can automatically and accurately detect the search for personal crises in a wider range than in the past. It is understood that MUM can more clearly clarify the intent behind people’s problems and detect when users need assistance.

In addition, users can choose whether they want to filter out sexually explicit search results by turning on the Safe Search feature. This feature is set to be on for users under the age of 18. In addition, even if the user does not turn on this feature, the system will still reduce pornographic search results as long as the user is not searching for pornographic content.

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