The Ministry of Education is considering moving the start of the primary and secondary school year from January to March!
The Ministry of Education is considering whether to move the start of the primary and secondary school year from the previous January to March. One advantage of this change is that it would avoid the rainy season in November and December.
November and December is the rainy season in Malaysia and flooding on the east coast affects the conduct of the SPM. By moving the SPM to February each year, it can avoid the rainy season at the end of the year and start the new academic year in March.

The advantage of starting the academic year in March is that it reduces the time candidates have to wait for universities or higher education institutions to open. If the SPM is held in February, the results will be released in May, and students will be able to enter higher education directly from June to August. Previously, the SPM was held in November, and the results were released in March, leaving students waiting seven to eight months to enter higher education.
Do you agree with the Ministry of Education’s proposal to move the start date to March?