EPF announced its investment income figures for the first nine months of last year, an increase of 7.7% compared to the same period in 2020.
According to a release from the Employees Provident Fund Board (KWSP), investment income for the first nine months ended September 30, 2021 was RM48.02 billion, an increase of 7.7% from RM44.6 billion for the same period in 2020. The CPF Board’s investment income for the third quarter of last year was RM13.97 billion, which is 19.4% lower than the RM17.33 billion for the same period in 2020.
In the third quarter of last year, stock markets in domestic and emerging economies were very volatile, mainly due to the impact of inflation and interest rate hikes. But thankfully, the developed economies are still moving positively into recovery despite the volatility, which has benefited the CPF Board’s investments considerably.
The CPF Board invested 43% of its assets in the stock market and contributed RM7.5 billion in investment income. The CPF Board invested 46% of its funds in fixed income instruments, contributing RM500 million. Money market funds contributed RM290 million, and property and infrastructure contributed RM1.18 billion in investment income.
The CPF Board is expected to announce its latest dividend payout in mid-February and the payout rate should not be less than 5%.