
Drug dealer uses his crippled brother-in-law’s car to conceal drugs while living in a luxurious home with his sister and brother-in-law to refine drugs.


The drug dealer took his crippled brother-in-law’s car to cover up drugs and even stayed in his sister’s two-story house to refine cocaine.

He highlighted that the suspect had 10 prior drug convictions and has frequent prison stays due to drug-related offenses. He has been working as a “drug refiner” for 10 months and is still unemployed.

“The police do not rule out the possibility that he grew wealthy from producing drugs. He lived with his sister and brother-in-law after purchasing a mansion and later bought his brother-in-law a car. The cops have seized the vehicle and will now attempt to seize the mansion.

He finds it difficult to reveal the suspect’s methods for processing drugs or where he obtained them in order to prevent other drug traffickers from copying them.


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