
Don’t envy Kuala Lumpur’s holiday on December 3 as Selangor will enjoy a statutory public holiday on December 11!


People in Selangor can enjoy a statutory public holiday on December 11!

The Ministry Of Federal Territories announced December 3 as a public holiday, which makes many people in Selangor very envious. Selangor will also be entitled to a holiday next Saturday, December 11, and it is a statutory public holiday.

According to the 2021 public holiday table published by the Cabinet, December 11 is the birthday of the Sultan of Selangor, which is a statutory public holiday in Selangor. If the employer requires the employee to work on this day, he must be given double pay or a day off.

According to Section 60D(1A) of the Employment Act 1955 that the employer may grant the employee any other day as a paid public holiday in substitution of any of the Ad Hoc Public Holiday. The birthday of the Sultan of Selangor on December 11 is a statutory public holiday in Selangor.

However, it is unfortunate that December 11 falls on Saturday, which loses a day of holiday for people who don’t have to work on Saturdays and Sundays. However, for people who usually need to work on Saturdays, December 11th is just right to enjoy an extra holiday.

As for the citizens of other states, they need to wait until December 25th, Christmas and the national public holiday.

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