
December 17 is a special holiday in Johor!


Good news! December 17th is a special holiday in Johor.

In order to celebrate the Johor JDT football team winning the Malaysia Football Cup championship in the final on December 8, the Johor state government announced that December 17, 2023 (Sunday) will be designated as a special state holiday (Hari Cuti Khas Peristiwa).

It is worth mentioning that December 17th is a Sunday, so this will have no impact on ordinary private sector office workers, and schools have also entered the year-end holiday during this period, so there will be no impact on students.

On December 17, government departments in Johor will have a day off. If you are planning to go to a government department to handle business on December 17, you need to change your itinerary.

Johor JDT Football Team defeated Terengganu Football Team 3-1 and won the Malaysia Football Cup again.

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