
Check your travel status before departing; 180,000 persons who owe unpaid taxes are prohibited from leaving the country.


Clear your unpaid taxes before travelling to prevent you from being prohibited from leaving the country.

Before going abroad, check whether you have been blacklisted for going abroad!

According to data provided by the Inland Revenue Board (LHDN), a total of 186,346 individuals were prohibited from leaving the country as of July of this year due to non-payment of tax. Those involved, including corporate directors, owe RM12.9 billion in unpaid taxes.

The government has the authority to enact necessary travel restrictions under Sections 104 and 75A of the Income Tax Act of 1967 and Section 22 of the Real Estate Gains Tax Act of 1976. Before names may be taken off the blacklist, they must pay any back taxes.

Visit https://sspi.imi.gov.my/dashboard/ and enter your ID number to see if you are barred from leaving the country if you want to see if you are on the departure blacklist.

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