When you want to apply for a bank loan or credit card, banks will check the CCRIS credit history of the applicant. If the credit history is not good, there is a very high chance that the loan or credit card application will be rejected.
According to the information issued by Bank Negara, individual users can register directly online and use the eCCRIS platform to view their CCRIS credit reports.
To use the eCCRIS platform, you need to register for an eCCRIS account. Individual users can register for an account directly online and are required to pay a fee of RM1.00 when registering for an account. The RM1.00 fee is for verification of the individual user’s identity and will be refunded to the user within 2 business days.
Individual user will then receive a one-time verification code (OTP) via cell phone and can then use the OTP to register for the eCCRIS account. Once the account registration is completed, you can log in to your account and view your eCCRIS report.