
MySejahtera check-in page will directly display whether the user has completed vaccination.


MySejahtera’s check-in page will display vaccination status directly, making it easier for merchants to Check their customers’ vaccination status.

MySejahtera will launch a new version and display vaccination status on a check-in page, according to Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin. The update is intended to make it easier for merchants to check whether customers are eligible to enter the store.

The government has restricted access to certain shops, such as barbershops and restaurants, to those who have completed vaccination. The government requires businesses to check every customer entering a store to make sure they have received two doses of the vaccine.

On the new version of the MySejahtera check-in page, those who have completed their vaccinations will show Fully, while those who have not vaccinated yet will show Not Vaccinated.

In addition, MySejahtera’s Check-in page will directly show whether the user is a confirmed patient or a close contact. It also makes it easier for businesses to check how risky customers are.

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