
MySejahtera added a new feature that requires users to click Check-out after leaving the store.


MySejahtera will add new features that require users to click Check-out after leaving the store!

According to Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin, the new version of MySejahtera will include a number of new features, including a check-in page showing vaccination status and clicking check-out after leaving the store.
The new version of MySejahtera will display the user’s health and vaccination status directly on the Check-in page. If you are a Confirmed coronavirus patient, a Confirmed Case in red will be displayed on the page, otherwise, a Low Risk No Symptom in blue will be displayed. The page will also have a column directly showing if the user has been Vaccinated, and Not yet Vaccinated will show Not, while having been Vaccinated will show Fully.

Users are required to click check-out after leaving the store, making it easier for authorities to analyze close contacts. In the future, people will be required to scan MySejahtera QR code registration information when entering the store and click Check-out when leaving the store. There is no need to scan the QR code during check-out, just click the button of check-out.
MySejahtera will be pushed to users gradually, and users can update MySejahtera through the App Store in the near future. MySejahtera will also gradually introduce updates in the future.

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