
7 ways to dry clothes quickly on rainy days! Even the thickest clothes can dry without smelling!


It’s the rainy season again, and although the cold weather is comfortable, it’s annoying to have a pile of clothes that don’t dry after washing and smothering the smell at home. If this is a problem for you, then look here! We’ll teach you how to dry your clothes in the absence of sun and without the bad smell!

1. Turn your clothes inside out before washing

Many people wash their clothes and turn them over to prevent their clothes from fading, and also have the function of avoiding their clothes from stinking and drying quickly. This is because when clothes are worn on the body, the inner side tends to absorb a lot of sweat and oil secreted by the skin, and the flip side allows the stitching part outward easier to dry.

2. Put a dry towel in your washing machine before spinning

Before the washing machine starts to spin your clothes, try putting in a dry towel and let the machine continue to complete the spin process. A dry towel absorbs moisture and increases the dehydration process, allowing clothes to dry more quickly.

3. Please take out your clothes from the washing machine as soon as they are done.

After the washing machine has completed the spin process and the moisture level in the machine is 100%, it can be considered a breeding ground for bacteria. If you don’t take them out as soon as possible, Clothes will absorb the moisture back, and bacteria will grow, making the clothes smelly.

4. Space your clothes a fist’s width apart.

If you can dry your laundry outdoors in bright sunshine, there is no problem. If you can only dry your clothes indoors due to rain or other reasons, it is advisable to space your clothes at least a fist’s width apart to avoid them being tightly packed and not drying quickly.

5. Arrange clothes in arches according to their length.

Experiments have shown that clothes arranged in arches dry the quickest, around 30 minutes faster than other shapes. When clothes are put in arches, there is space in the middle to create air currents that quickly carry moisture away.


6. Don’t put the drying rack close to the wall.

The best place to dry clothes is right in the middle of the room, as drying clothes on the side of a poorly ventilated wall makes it more likely to moisture, make the clothes harder to dry.

7. Turn on a fan to blow the floor and put newspaper on the floor.

In addition to the laundry process, it is also essential to reduce the humidity in the room. You can also put a few large sheets of newspaper on the floor under the clothes drying area to reduce the moisture in the room by strong water absorption capacity of the newspaper.

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