When it comes to the hottest bags in recent years, you can’t go wrong with the famous French fashion and luxury brand, Dior. In the past few years, DIOR’s position in the fashion industry has become more and more stable. Its bags have become more and more popular with girls. It has frequently launched a variety of bags, which have really sold well in recent years!
Nowadays, DIOR’s bags can be said to be the “Dream Bag” in every girl’s mind. Their bags are mainly simple, elegant, and noble. The classic Dior Oblique patterns are both retro and stylish, as always low-key and unassuming, elegant and luxurious! Here, introduce to all the fairies [5 super hot DIOR bags in recent years, goddess must-have] It will never be out of date, it will not go wrong, it can handle various occasions, and it will not be questioned taste!
▼ DIOR Book Tote
This omnipotent tote bag has been really popular in recent years, and it can be regarded as the favorite bag of ladies It not only has a large capacity and easy to fit, whether it’s a laptop for daily commuting, a camera for travel, or a baby’s bottle and diaper for mothers with a baby, all the daily necessities of life can fit in there, allowing you to easily carry it out on the street! Most of the material of this bag is canvas material, using three-dimensional hand embroidery, very delicate! And the embroidery design of the body is also very diverse, classic, and elegant, it just comes with a premium touch!
▼ DIOR Lady D-Dlite 2.0
Lady Dior is one of the most classic series of Dior bags, loved by many royals and nobles. And this brand new Lady D-Dlite is Lady Dior 2.0 version. It has made many innovations on the classic version, reinterpreting the classics, and making it more fashionable. It is worth mentioning that the material of Lady D-Dlite is the first use of canvas material to replace the original leather texture. Even if it is hand-held, it can be carried on the shoulder or cross-body without any sense of contradiction! In addition, the body of the bag has also added a 3D three-dimensional embroidery rattan check pattern, the texture is particularly solid and more advanced!
▼ DIOR Saddle
By the way, when this saddle bag was first introduced, we all thought it was a bad look, but after all these years, we need to re-recognize this handsome bag! Nowadays, it has become a must-have item for many fashionistas. The unique body design and tailoring are super recognizable, with a quirky and unruly temperament on the back of the body, super individuality! I have to say that this bag is really versatile. I don’t choose clothes at all. It looks good in any outfit. It can be worn by both men and women. You must get one if you are on the street cool style!
▼ DIOR Bobby
Bobby is the name of the pet dog of the founder of DIOR, Christian Dior. The design of this series of bags is simple and generous, with a semi-circular arc shape, simple and clean lines, giving a gentle and elegant feeling. The iconic element “CD” metal logo is added to the front of the bag, which not only makes the bag more attractive and retro, but also instantly raises the grade! This bag can be held in your hand, and you can also control a variety of styles such as shoulder or crossbody. Whether it is for work or leisure, you can switch freely!
▼ DIOR 30 Montaigne
For the French-style little fairy, this 30 Montaigne bag is definitely a must! 30 Montaigne is inspired by an iconic historical building-Avenue Montaigne. At the same time, three different leathers are used to make the square bag more three-dimensional, handsome, free and easy, not feminine and subtle. The design on its leather flap, with the classic metal “CD” Logo as the opening and closing buckle, has become the most eye-catching focus of the entire bag. Overall, this bag is very exquisite and versatile. It is very suitable for girls who want to be cool and handsome or take a sweet route!
If you like Dior bags, have you decided which one you want to start with? In general, gentle literary girls can start with Bobby; Goddess can start with Lady D-Dlite; Street sweet and cool girls can start Saddle; Super delicate ladies can start Book Tote; The French-style fairies can start with 30 Montaigne. Without further ado, girls hurry up and try to earn money to start one for yourself! You deserve it!