Use your bank card to check out at 7-Eleven, and you will get a 12oz of Slurpee for free!
To encourage people to use cashless payment, as long as you spend more than RM20 at 7-Eleven and use a bank card with the word <>MyDebit to checkout, you can get a 12oz of Slurpee for free.
After you spend RM20, the receipt will automatically print a QR code for a 12oz of Slurpee. You can give the receipt to the counter staff to receive a free 12oz Slurpee. This offer will start from December 23 to December 12, 2021.
In addition, if you spend over RM20 from December 13th to 31st, 2021, and use your bank card to check out, you can also get a 600ml bottle of ANDA beverage.
Remember to keep your receipt after spending RM20.