
Ways to share e-LKM in MyJPJ APP.


JPJ has implemented e-Road Tax from 2023, which means that car owners no longer need to paste road tax stickers on their car mirrors, but can simply save the e-Road Tax on their cell phones or print the road tax on A4 white paper by themselves.

If you are using a car that is not in your name, you can ask the owner to share the e-Road Tax with you. Once the sharing is done, you will be able to get the e-Road Tax for that vehicle directly on the MyJPJ APP.

If you have lent your vehicle to a loved one, you can share the e-Road Tax to the loved one in MyJPJ APP and you can select the date on which you want to share the e-Road Tax. At the time of sharing you will get a set of 6 digit code which you need to send to your loved ones before they can verify the sharing of e-Road Tax in MyJPJ APP.

Method to share e-Road Tax in MyJPJ APP
Step 1: Open MyJPJ APP and go to Profil.
Step 2: Select Lesen Kenderaan Motor and license plate number.
Step 3: Select Kongsi LKM.
Step 4: Click on + to select share to friends and family.
Step 5: Select the other person’s ID number and the period you want to share.
Step 6: Confirm the information.
Step 7: The system will display Kod Keselamatan, which requires the other party to enter the reorganization number in MyJPJ APP.
Step 8: The person opens MyJPJ APP and goes to Profile.
Step 9: Select Jana Semula and select the license plate number.
Step 10: Enter the Kod Keselamatan provided by the other party, this number is valid for 24 hours.
Step 11: The system will display a success screen.
Step 12: Done.

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