Exercising hard and consuming protein sometimes doesn’t work. Timing is essential if you want to lose body fat and gain muscle effectively.
If you want to lose weight, do exercise in the morning!
If you want to lose body fat, the best time to exercise is on an empty stomach before breakfast. Suppose we are on an empty stomach for a long time. In that case, our body will significantly reduce the use of carbohydrates, as they are one of the primary sources of energy for the brain and red blood cells, so that they will be limited as much as possible.

This means that the more time you spend on an empty stomach, the more body fat is converted into the primary energy used. If dinner is eaten at 6 pm and you wake up the following day without having eaten anything, it will have been about 12 hours since last night’s dinner was digested and 12 hours since you fasted in the morning, so the body will form fat as energy. If you do various exercises, the fat will be used as energy, burning off fat.

To build muscle, take protein after exercise.
Protein intake after exercise is the most effective for muscle growth as this is when the myosynthase enzyme is at its highest level, and the rise in myosynthase will last for an hour, after which it will drop sharply. So the best time to consume protein is within 1 hour after exercise; after 2 hours, it is not as effective.

So you want to lose weight while building muscle to maintain a good body? Exercising in the morning on an empty stomach and then taking protein afterwards is most effective! Try this method to lose weight and gain muscle!