
Want to look younger? Besides the external care, these foods can keep your skin young!


If you want to keep young, you must take good care of your skin first. Once your skin is not maintained, it will look haggard and ageing with age, so you have to rely on external application and diet to maintain your skin’s health. The following is to introduce the food that can keep your skin young. You only need to eat it to keep your skin radiant, which is really worth it!


Fish with unsaturated fat

Fish with unsaturated fat, such as salmon, tuna and mackerel, are good for the skin. Because they are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, this ingredient can keep enough moisture on the skin, and when the skin is dry, it will appear chapped, and when enough moisture is available, it will make the skin smooth and look younger and brighter.

Vegetables and Fruits

Fruits and vegetables, such as avocado, sweet pepper, tomato, cauliflower and grape, are rich in vitamins, which can keep skin healthy. Vitamin C is one of the nutrients needed to produce collagen. Without adequate intake of vitamin C, collagen will be difficult to synthesize.


Walnuts contain healthy fat and Omega-3&6 fatty acids. Because our body can’t produce these fatty acids, it must be supplemented by diet. In addition, walnut contains zinc, which can help wound healing and also help dry and cracked skin.

Sweet potato

Sweet potato can improve skin condition because it contains β-carotene, which will be converted into vitamin A. The action of β-carotene can help relieve dry and wrinkled skin.

Green tea

Drinking green tea can also improve skin health because it contains catechins, which can help protect the skin from sunlight. Studies have shown that people who drink green tea have more moisture skin than those who don’t drink green tea.

The above food can help your skin become younger! How can you not eat these foods if you want to look young?

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