
Very accurate psychological test, see-through 5 situations, how deep you put a relationship!


Love is very delicate, it can come and go quickly, or it can flow slowly. The most subtly, there are elements in love that make people feel stable or uneasy. Too stable a relationship can make people feel dull. Being too suspicious creates a burden and make the other person want to escape. Love is so elusive, to see through your attitude in feelings, you can look at how many feelings you have paid in the real world through the following five hypothetical questions!

Whenever we get involved in a relationship, some casual decisions often reveal our love. Through this subtle information, we can understand our lover’s mental state and inner state. Please answer the questions according to the following situations, and don’t peek at the answers first, so as to understand your true self!


  • In a comfortable afternoon, when you had no plans, you suddenly decided to find your partner. At this point, you have two options.

A. Straight road, no fork in the road, the route is fast and short, flat but dull.

B. It’s a bit far, but you can see beautiful scenery along the way, and even find many interesting things.

  • You passed a flower shop on your way, and the flowers in it were so beautiful that you wanted to buy 20 roses for your partner.

How many white flowers will you buy and how many red ones will you buy? A single colour can also be selected.

  •  You went to your partner’s place. Although someone opened the door, the partner was not at home because of no agreement.

At this time, would you choose to let him/her pass the bouquet, or go in and collect the flowers by your partner?

  • At night, my partner came back. When it is time to go to bed, you and your partner sleep in two rooms. When you wake up in the morning, you want to find your companion.

Do you think he’s awake or still sleeping?

  • Then, you will go home. On the way home,

Will you choose the shorter road or the longer and more interesting road?

Have you thought about that? The answer comes!

  • This road represents the time you are in a relationship. Choosing A means that you will soon be involved in a relationship. If you choose B, it means that you will spend more time understanding and feeling. Even if you break up, you will not fall in love again soon.
  • Red roses represent the feelings you are willing to pay in a relationship. White rose represents the return you are looking forward to. The number you have chosen represents the proportion. For example, if you choose 15 red roses and 5 white roses, it shows that you are willing to give 75%, and you only need 25% in return.
  • This question shows how you will face and handle difficulties when your relationship is facing difficulties. If you choose to ask others to help you pass the bouquet, it means that you will choose to avoid the problem or need others’ help to solve it. If you give the bouquet by yourself, you are a person willing to face problems directly, and you will solve difficulties quickly.
  • This situation represents your attitude towards your partner’s personality. If he’s awake, it means you really want him to make changes. If he is still sleeping, then you love him as he really is, and you don’t need him to make any changes.
  • The way you choose to return includes your persistent attachment to a relationship. If you choose a shorter path, it means you can leave a relationship quickly and freely. If you choose a long and interesting road, it means that you are willing to keep a long-term relationship with your partner, and you will try your best to find happiness in this relationship.

One of our simple choices also exposed our view on love. This simple test helps you to know more about how much you have contributed to a relationship. Is it accurate?

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