UMNO President Ahmad Zahid bin Hamidi again urged the government to extend the i-Citra withdrawal scheme!
The bank moratorium will end at the end of the month, as will the i-Citra CPF withdrawal scheme. UMNO President Amar Zahi called on the government to extend the i-Citra CPF withdrawal scheme for those who are still affected by the outbreak.
Amar Zahi pointed out that not all borrowers are ready to re-pay their loans, some borrowers do not have stable jobs yet, some businesses are not yet profitable, etc. The pandemic and action control orders have already caused serious impact for the country’s economy and the people’s economy.
Dato’ Seri Ismail Sabri, Prime Minister, will discuss with Finance Minister Dato’ Seri Tunku Zafrul to increase the i-Citra withdrawal amount to RM10,000. Ismail and Asraf discussed about the increase of i-Citra withdrawal amount after the UMNO Supreme Council meeting.
Former Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib posted on Facebook in November and tagged Finance Minister Tunku Zafrul to request the Ministry of Finance to increase the i-Citra withdrawal to RM10,000 as soon as possible, but the Employees Provident Fund Board (KWSP) said that i-Lestari, i-Sinar and i-Citra were all one-off withdrawal schemes introduced in response to the epidemic. After the end of these schemes, the Board will not launch similar withdrawal schemes.