
Tricks to make you happy every day!


How can you boost your happiness to sky high levels?

Here are some tricks to make you happy~ You can try them when you are sad next time.

Spend money on other

When many of us are sad, we often go out and buy something in an effort to cheer ourselves up. This could be as simple as a chocolate bar or as extravagant as new sports car. But, stunning new research has shown that if you really want to use money to increase your happiness, you need to spend it on other people. A study from 2008, gave people envelopes full of money, half were instructed to spend it on themselves while others were instructed to donate the money to charity or buy a gift for a friend. Individuals who spend money on others reported much higher levels of happiness.

Listen to sad songs

When we are feeling blue, many of us put in our headphones zone out and play our favourite music. But before you choose the happiest songs in your playlist, you might want to listen to this, a 2014 study found that those listening to sad music actually received beneficial effects. These effects included regulation of negative emotion and mood. In simpler terms, sad music helps you handle your bad moods. So if you really want to cheer yourself up, put on the saddest song you can find.

Drink coffee

We guess no one was expected this one. There is a lot of talk about how coffee might be good or bad for you but not many people are discussing its effect on mood. There have actually been a few studies that have looked into this and the results are really stunning. This is maybe because of the antioxidants and anti-inflammatories present in coffee as well as it’s linked to release of dopamine.

Go for a walk

Sometimes the simplest ways often the most effective. It seems like this is definitely the case when dealing with sadness. As research has shown that merely going for a walk can be a major game changer. We can get the positive effects of simply getting outside and experiencing nature. For example, a walk in the forest. Also, walking in any situation increased happiness, as it involves exercise.

Get your feeling off of your chest

Keeping your emotions bottled up inside of you is never a good idea and it definitely helps to get things off of your chest. Have you ever felt that massive feeling of relief when you confess your fears and worries? It really does work wonders and science seems to confirm this. There is a study looked at how recording a negative emotional experience can actually help calm our nerves and helps us deal with our worries. Those who were writing about their emotional experiences were much more calm and relaxed than those who were writing about other subjects.

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