
Traditional customs and taboos on the second day of the Lunar New Year!


The second day of the Lunar New Year is also marked by many traditional customs. On this day, married daughters visit their parents, relatives and close friends at their mother’s house. Traditionally, married daughters do not have many opportunities to visit their own families.


In the old days, people believed that “a married girl is a spilled water”, so they usually could not go home for a reunion dinner on New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day.


However, nowadays, men and women are equal and people do not follow such customs very seriously. However, when visiting their parents, married women are expected to come home with their husbands and bring some pastry gifts.


The second day of the Lunar New Year taboo


1, the second day of the Lunar New Year avoid laundry: water has the god of water, the birthday of the god of water in the first day, the second day, so these two days do not wash clothes.

2, the second day of the Lunar New Year may not nap during the day, otherwise the whole year will be very lazy, the implication is because there are many guests to the home during the New Year, if the nap is very rude to people.

3, the second day of the New Year avoid pouring sewage, garbage, sweeping: do not engage in sweeping work during the New Year, because it is easy to sweep away the wealth of the family.

4, the second day of the New Year avoid being others from the pocket to take out objects, so that the whole year money will be taken away by others.

5, the second day of the Lunar New Year avoid asking people for debts: during the New Year whether it is to be asked for debts or to ask for debts with people in a whole year will be very unlucky, so avoid asking people for debts.

6, the second day of the Lunar New Year, the daughter back to the bride’s house to avoid the return gift for an odd number. Because traditionally the odd number is considered unlucky, the son-in-law back to the bride’s family gifts must be in pairs.

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