
How can students who take ONLINE CLASS at home maintain good study habits | Time management tips for ONLINE CLASS!


Although under the epidemic, some schools have opened, but some schools are still conducting online classes. Online classes can make it difficult for students to find motivation to study because they need to sit in a place where they can rest. But online classes also have many advantages, especially you can save a lot of time and have more time to study. Time management is very important for online classes students. This will affect your grades, allow you to focus more while studying, and help you maintain life balanced. Each of us has our own time management system, so as long as you can find a method that suits you, your learning process will be more effective.

▼ Plan Before Study

Having a busy period will make it difficult for you to complete your tasks. Straight A students are able to manage their time well, including having a neat work space, removing distractions, and knowing how to make good use of their time in their studies. In terms of learning, they will ensure that they arrange time to read notes or textbooks, do homework or assignments, and will also make sure to focus on class. You can use a handbook, a laptop, or a mobile phone to plan your time.

▼ Avoid Multitasking

Multitasking means that you are doing several different tasks at the same time. Although it seems to be very effective, it actually reduces your efficiency. You should arrange the tasks in order of importance and pay attention to the first 3 to 4 tasks that require the most time and effort. You can use the handbook or simple to do list to list your tasks so that you know which task is more important. You should also arrange your tasks according to deadlines, which means you should complete tasks with a closer deadline first, even if it is just a small task.

▼ Prepare Your Digital Tools

Online classes means you need your electronic tools, such as your laptop or tablet, which are important. Make sure that your work space is tidy and that you can surf the Internet fast enough before you start your class. Make sure your space is comfortable and has suitable lighting, sound, and background. Learning with electronic tools can easy to distract us, so make sure you clear everything that will disturb you, especially social media. You should also make sure that you have downloaded and prepared all the notes and textbooks you need while studying.

Eliminate All Distractions

Online classes can easily distract you because you can do other things on your laptop or tablet, such as playing games, going to social media. If you’re easily distracted, make sure you eliminate these things before you study. You can use the Pomodoro method when studying, set a study time of about 25 minutes, give yourself a 5-minute break, and then repeat this step about 4 times. Research has shown that learning by this method can actually increase your efficiency while studying.

Reward Yourself

The learning process can be boring and difficult, so after studying for a long time, make sure you reward yourself to motivate to learn later, otherwise even simple tasks will make it difficult for you to concentrate. For example, after you study for 2 hours, give yourself a break, watch a movie or watch a TV show, eat your favorite food, or even take a nap. Since it’s best for us to stay at home, you can also use your chance to go out as a reward.

▼ Have A Balanced Life

Besides of rewarding yourself, you should also find a balance between study and life. Don’t just focus on studying and reading notes or textbooks, you should also make sure you plan your project and time for homework, especially for group projects, and you have time to discuss with your group members. In addition, don’t spend a whole day studying. You should also arrange time for other things in life, such as exercise, taking time out with friends and family, or taking a break.

Get Enough Sleep

Just because you stay at home doesn’t mean you can go to bed late every day. You need to make sure you have healthy sleeping habits and sleep 7 to 8 hours a night. This is not only to maintain a healthy body, but also your mind will be clearer while studying. This can also help you develop healthy habits so that when you go back to school and continue to study, your body is used to normal sleep and wake-up times.

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