Some people are used to washing their food before cooking, while others think, “I’m going to cook it anyway, so it doesn’t matter if I wash it or not”. There are some foods that should be washed and some that shouldn’t. Let’s find out!
Foods that should be washed
At the moment you cut into an avocado, from the outer skin into the flesh, bacteria or soil can be carried in, so better wash it before cutting.

Cantaloupe grows on the land, some soil and fertiliser can stick to the skin. To prevent bacteria from entering the flesh from the skin, wash it before you cut it.

Foods that should not be washed
Raw chicken doesn’t really need to be washed and will be safer to eat as the bacteria will be removed during the cooking process. One study showed that 60% of chicken washed before cooking left bacteria in the sink and another 26% brought bacteria into the salad.
Bacteria are hidden deep in the fibrous tissues, so the best way to get rid of them is to cook them, preferably at an internal temperature of 145 degrees or higher, to make them safe to eat.

Eggs have a protective coating that protects the shell from bacteria. If you wash them, instead of the bacteria being removed, the bacteria have a chance to penetrate the shell.