
The top five causes of procrastination. Treat the symptoms and end procrastination now.


People who habitually procrastinate often give the impression that they are lazy and undisciplined. However, people who suffer from procrastination often have a hard time trying to improve and get things done more efficiently. The truth is that procrastination is closely related to one’s own psychological factors. Only by identifying the real factors of procrastination and prescribing the right remedy can we get rid of the root cause of procrastination.

Psychological factor 1: Fear of failure
In the past, you have set yourself various goals, but have failed one by one. The fear of failure keeps you from moving forward. Even if you have a perfect plan, you feel in your heart that failure will surely come.

Psychological Factor 2: Perfectionism
All details of the plan must be calculated to be close to perfect. Anything less than complete will cause you to deny it again and again, leading to the end of the matter.

Psychological Factor 3: No confidence in making decisions independently
I thought gathering information and opinions was a big step in getting myself to my goal, but little did I know that I couldn’t make a decision when I had too much feedback at hand.

Psychological factor 4: Difficulty facing the risk of uncertainty
Everything is risky and difficult, and it won’t go as smoothly as you think. Simply put, the ability to withstand is weak.

Psychological factor 5: Aversion to tasks
You don’t like the tasks assigned to you, such as homework and work, which leads to habitual procrastination, and you procrastinate to avoid them.

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