International actress Tan Sri Michelle Yeoh brought a statuette to visit the Malaysian media today after winning the Best Actress Award at the 95th “Oscar”! Michelle Yeoh yelled with excitement that she had just returned to Malaysia on Thursday, the 17th, and had eaten all the Malaysian foods she had been craving for a while, including rice noodles, chicken sprouts, laksa, nasi lemak, and other favorites.
She remembered Kwan Jiwei and Jamie Lee Curtis, who had won Oscars and were seated next to her, as saying “it’s okay” repeatedly, which left her perplexed. She said that disappointing her family, friends, and numerous other people was at the moment her biggest worry.
According to Michelle Yeoh, the time between the movie’s debut in March 2022 and its Oscar victory in March of this year was exceedingly challenging. “Thank you for sticking with us during this challenging and lonely road. She broke down in tears as she admitted that her parents’ continuous backing was her main motivation.