Do you find the sound of a mosquito buzzing in your ear annoying when you fall asleep at night? But when you turn on the light and try to hit a mosquito, you can never hit it which is so annoying!
Recently, a video has appeared on the Internet to teach you how to swat mosquitoes with very high accuracy. It turns out that the “left and right swat” mode we often use in the past actually makes it easier for mosquitoes to escape. Instead, the “up and down swat” mode can actually hit the target in one stroke.

According to the expert in the video, many people try to kill a mosquito by hitting it with their left and right palms. However, this method only hits about 50 percent of the time because the air pressure created by the palms pushes the mosquito upwards, allowing it to escape faster.
Try to change the direction of your palm to “up and down”, which will make it harder for the mosquito to escape.
You can try this method next time you’re surrounded by pesky mosquitoes!