
The newest AI from Google can watch and evaluate an hour of video for you.


San Jose: Whether it’s an hour of video, 700,000 words of text, or 11 hours of audio, users can now quickly analyse vast amounts of content thanks to Google’s most recent AI update, the tech giant stated.

In a blog post, Google said that the most recent iteration of Gemini AI, the company’s response to ChatGPT, was evaluated by looking for “comedic moments” in a 400-page transcript of discussions from the Apollo 11 space mission.

Gemini version 1.5 offered three humorous moments in thirty seconds and could even explain the meaning of a particular phrase’s hilarity.

The software responded to an uploaded drawing of a boot by connecting this to the occasion when Neil Armstrong walked on the moon, demonstrating its capacity to comprehend things in their context.

This development could allow one to search for certain visual elements in vast volumes of film without having to watch it, in addition to processing text, code, and voice.

Google’s head of AI, Demis Hassabis, said on Thursday, “When given a 44-minute silent Buster Keaton movie, the model can accurately analyse various plot points and events, and even reason about small details in the movie that could easily be missed.”

According to Google, Gemini 1.5 Pro can record and analyse up to 11 hours of audio, up to an hour-long video, up to 700,000 words of text, and up to 30,000 lines of software code.

The internet behemoth is up against OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT, which a little more than a year ago created a stir in the AI community.

Google rebranded its AI services and apps as Gemini earlier in February. Before it is made available to all users, developers and corporate clients will be the first to get access to the Gemini 1.5 model.

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